June 25th, 2022:
Women of Faith & Business
Planning to start a business or ready to scale? Join us for a day of learning and connection with like-minded women of faith!
At The Winterset Library Meeting Room from 10am – 4pm
A Day of Encouragement, Faith and Leadership for Women in Business
with Karin Holder & Lori Nordstrom
- Clarify your Purpose
- Define your Personal Brand
- Learn to Move Forward In Spite of Fear
- Leadership Principles for All Areas of Your Life
Lunch and drinks provided!
Training | Networking | Workbook | Swag Bag Giveaways
Registration cost: $49
May 9th – August 1st, 2022:
Virtual Bible Study: Study of Psalms
The Bible Study meets every other Monday evening from 7:00 to 8:00 pm CST via Zoom (except for July 4th).
Every Monday we will journey together through a Psalm, reading together and open discussion on what this means to you in your life today. This study is designed as a weekly study through the summer so that you can join when you can. (no homework)
Material needed: Your bible, pen and journal.
To receive the Zoom link and hear about more upcoming Bible studies and events, subscribe to Karin Holder’s Newsletter.
June 10 – 12, 2022:
Rise Women’s Archery Camp
Register by May 28, 2022
This three-day retreat is designed to give you some experiences that you may never have had before, or believed that you could do. Build confidence by learning how to properly shoot a bow and arrow, hike to a destination at night, learn how to set up a ground blind so you can go out hunting with your kids or by yourself. Shoot a professional 3D archery range that takes you up hills and down valleys. Learn to cook wild game and what wine to pair it with. Most of all this is a safe place to get away from all the demands of life for a few days to enjoy nature and fellowship with like minded women.
September 30 – October 2, 2022:
Faith & Pheasants Women’s Retreat
We’ll begin at 12:00 pm on Friday, September 30, and end at noon on Sunday, October 2 at the Clear Creek Upland Game Lodge.
Save the date, and watch for more details about this event as it develops!